4 Effective Ways AI Can Enhance Your TEFL Classroom Experience

TEFL Classroom Experience


Recent studies have revealed that the AI in education market size has reached around $2.48 Billion and it’s expected to expand around $53.71 billion by 2032.

TEFL Classroom Experience

Source: visionresearchreports.com

All these big numbers are an indication that AI is a technology that is going to stay for a very long time. Because of AI many educators even TEFL teachers feel threatened that AI will replace them from their teaching job.

So, the question lies- “Will AI replace humans from their jobs?”

However, instead of seeing AI as a threat, TEFL teachers must find ways to use AI as a tool that will help them to design more engaging Enlgish language lessons and activities.

In this blog post, we will be exploring some of the practical tips for using AI in the TEFL classroom.

Effective & Practical Tips for Using AI In The TEFL Classroom

Let’s get to know some of the effective tips with which you can enhance the language learning experience of your non-native students in the TEFL classroom:

Gain a Proper Understanding of AI

You need to discuss AI for a variety of reasons. You must establish boundaries and policies that are apparent to your students. Some students may be tempted to utilize AI to complete tasks or homework, or merely to see how quietly they can use it.

This type of activity is unacceptable, and you should make it clear that there are means to detect its use. Students should recognize that using AI to learn a language like English is ineffective.

However, you may tap into the real potential of AI to build trust and generate mutual interest. Avoiding and failing to use it as a teaching tool will not help either of you. Thus, utilizing it can provide multiple benefits, like encouraging ethical discussions, showcasing AI-generated articles, and devising assignments based on AI narratives.

Gamify Language Lesson With AI

As a TEFL teacher, you may leverage AI by gamifying your classes and creating meaningful learning objectives.

Starting imaginative, visually stimulating learning activities for your students is an effective strategy. You may motivate students to create projects by employing various AI tools and bringing AI topics to life in a visually appealing way.

Another technique is to have students develop prompts and react to questions in order to encourage them to interact with AI. Students can do this task independently, using AI to collect data for essays or presentations. These kinds of assignments can aid with independent study and enhance translation skills.

Many studies have shown that if students get encouraged to use AI during their English learning can help them to improve their motivation and retention. It also makes the learning acquisition more enjoyable for the students.

Creating Lesson plans

Creating lesson plans for different student’s proficiency levels and of different ages can be difficult for TEFL teachers. However, the usage of AI can be a game changer for TEFL teachers.

With the help of AI, you can create customized lesson plans according to the different language learning needs of the students.

Monitor & Identify Ai-Plagiarized Content

Students can often look for shortcuts and they might use AI-generated content for their assignments and homework. However, there are various plagiarism detection tools to identify if it’s ai-generated or not. Generally, ai-generated content is a long text passage with plenty of grammatical mistakes and the use of unusual language.

To maintain academic integrity you must make your students understand why they should focus on creating original work and don’t rely on AI completely.

Future of AI in the Field of Education

AI technology is taking over every industry at a very fast pace. In the future, there’s a high possibility that every school will adopt the idea of automation of building lesson plans which is tailored according to every teachers and students.

It is unclear how much impact AI will make on education, but one thing is for sure it’s going to stay for a very long time. Instead of fearing this technology, every TEFL teacher must find ways to adapt and integrate AI into their lesson plans and make the language learning experience more engaging.

Use AI More Responsibly and Smartly

AI is a technology that is going to stay and the usage of AI tools will increase day-by-day. As a TEFL teacher, you don’t need to fear and figure out a way to use it in smart ways to generate ideas, create lesson plans, and make learning more engaging for non-native language students. You can use the above-mentioned practical tips for using AI in your TEFL classroom to make your teaching and student’s learning experience more engaging.

If you want to learn more effective and latest TEFL teaching methods, then consider pursuing courses like B.Ed. in TESOL or TEFL Degree Courses, where you will get assistance from top expert trainers from the TEFL industry.

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