Choosing the Right Partner: Selecting a Provider for Integrated Logistics Solutions

Choosing the Right Partner


Business in the 21st century is not what it used to be even a couple of decades ago and with the rise of e-commerce operations, the need for an integrated logistics solutions provider is more now than it has ever been in the past. According to Statista, the total amount of goods moved by scheduled airlines stood at 605-thousand metric tonnes in 2022 in India, and that’s without factoring in the amount of cargo moved by road, rails, and ships during the same period.

One of the best ways in which companies and businesses can one-up their competition is by going for a good integrated logistics partner, and in this day and age, there are several factors that one must keep an eye out for if they wish to work with the most suitable ones there is.

Choosing the right integrated logistics provider for your job:

With emerging markets being located all over the world, the need to get the goods where they have a relevant level of demand is essential, and while it is the integrated logistics solutions providers that are tasked with getting the palettes and lots from one region to the other, here are some of the factors you must keep an eye out for.

The company infrastructure on offer:

To get a one-kilogram package from India to the USA, there’s a large number of infrastructural resources that are employed, and one of the first things that businesses must watch out for is whether an integrated warehousing distribution provider is offering proper resource utilization.

Against this backdrop, going for a provider that follows an asset-light model makes a lot of sense, and one of the main reasons for that happening stems from the fact that they can provide exactly what’s needed to get that package from point A to point B in the most efficient manner possible.

Technological adequacy:

With a society that’s defined by technological integration, the integrated logistics / Mobility solutions provider must offer the best there is as well. For businesses that wish to ship a container from a port in the eastern hemisphere to a consumer market located in the western hemisphere, location and ETA tracking would be advantageous.

For the B2C segment of the markets as well, this technological prowess can prove to be a boon as end consumers would be able to locate their packages as they make their way across the delivery chain, thereby enhancing the overall customer experience.

Has sustainability on its list of priorities:

According to the Times of India, the amount of carbon generated by the logistics sector in India stands at a gargantuan 2.3 gigatonnes every year! For businesses and logistics companies alike, the need to cut down on such generation is the need of the hour, and by working with an integrated supply chain solutions provider that prioritizes the adoption and integration of sustainable operations and practices.

The use of renewable energy to power warehouses, and the employment of EVs for enabling last-mile delivery are some of the consequential measures that we are witnessing in the logistics sector in this day and age, and for businesses, working with such a company would be the right thing to do.


Businesses can truly attain their optimum levels by working with the right stakeholders, and an integrated logistics provider features high on that list. The aforementioned are some of the primary indicators and parameters that can help them shortlist and select the best providers some would make moving cargo a walk in the park.

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