Things to consider while buying an air cooler

Things to consider while buying an air cooler


With lots of brands & models available to select from, people constantly tend to get confused as to which Air Cooler would be greatest for their home/surroundings. If the air cooler purchased is not as per the needs, you would lose out money on some not so good air cooler. Accessing Air Cooler Price List is an important factor when it comes to purchasing one for you. So, let us check out some of the significant things to remembering while purchasing an air cooler:-

The size of air coolers

Depending upon the area of the room & height of the roof, the air cooler needs to be bought if your room is large, then go for a large-sized cooler & if it is a small & cozy room, a comparative smaller cooler will do the needful. Luckily Kenstar making all kinds of cooler as per the customers’ needs. One can easily find the Kenstar Air Cooler Price list and compare the features of selected items.

Branded or Local

To keep away from getting a hole in the pocket, people tend to purchase coolers that are inexpensive & are of a local brand. But if possible, try to select a trusted brand Cooler such as Kenstar as they have higher ratings & usability, which have reliable performance. Also, several of the brands offer a long-term warranty as well, keeping your equipment safe & secure.

Features to be looked upon

Different air Coolers offer Different features, but effective cooling must have the following:-

The water Soaked cooling pads are considered to be the one which evaporates the heat and offer cool air. Do make sure to have a Honeycomb Cooling pad in the air cooler as they tend to offer the highest cooling. The Cooling pad thickness must also be checked upon at least of 90mm thickness is considered excellent

There must be a few speed options to control as per the climatic circumstances.

Water Level Controller is a feature to be looked at as they assist in adjusting the water level and evade water to seep out.

Ensure you buy an air cooler with a remote as that would make it more simple and comfy to operate even with a distance. So do remember all these things when checking Air Cooler Price List and features.


At last, select an air cooler which best suits your pocket. Choosing an air cooler which is budget-friendly in addition to eco friendly will be a much more possible option as that would not eat much electricity as well.

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After wide-ranging research & feedbacks from the near & dear ones, you will end up having the suitable cooler for yourself, which will make your life bother free in the summertime! Kenstar is a great option when it comes to quality and affordability. Visit Compareraja to access the Kenstar Air Cooler Price list and its features.

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